IBEON Infotech live to create an inspiring environment of continuous development that brings benefits on the individual level as well as to the Indian society as a whole. A greater part of our efforts is dedicated to organizing and participating in Events, Educational & IT Sectors that positively impact both our team & our country
IBeON Infotech Intent to continuously improve its social responsibilities as a good corporate citizen, to make positive impact on the society. The IBON recognizes that if there are choices to be made, there will always be a bias toward doing fewer projects with greater impact and focusing initiatives on communities in which the Company lives and operates.
The main objective of the Company’s CSR policy is to lay down guidelines for sustainable development, to serve the socially and economically weak and underprivileged sectors of society and to operate and grow its business in a socially responsible way with a vision toward being an environmental-friendly corporate citizen.
Making an active contribution to the welfare and upliftment of disadvantaged communities. Promoting education, including special education and employment enhancing vocation skills, especially among children, women, the elderly, and disabled communities with a special focus on livelihood enhancement projects. Promoting gender equality, empowering women and implementing measures for reducing inequalities faced by socially and economically backward groups.
We do not brag, we only help those who need it, but on the other hand, we do not want to hide it. We help by providing our services for free. It is because we believe that our help can be the most efficient, when our professional skills are put to work.
Which the Company has projects, and at its subsidiaries and associates however, this shall not bar the Company professional skills are put to work. The CSR activities will be carried out directly or indirectly at the Registered Office, in and around the areas in from pursuing its CSR activities in any other areas.
The Corporate Social Responsibility Committee will recommend the level of expenditures to be incurred on CSR activities and will monitor and modify the CSR policy of the Company as required from time to time The Corporate Social responsibility Committee shall institute a transparent monitoring mechanism for implementation of CSR projects or activities undertaken by the Company.
The Board of Directors of IBeON Infotech Pvt Ltd shall monitor & ensure that appropriate CSR activities are undertaken by the Company & shall include a separate disclosure in its Annual Report on the implementation of CSR Activities.
The above guidelines form the framework around which CSR activities will be undertaken, The Company will review the policy from time to time & make suitable modifications, as may be necessary.