What types of tech professionals can you help me hire?
We will help you hire front-end, back-end, and developers with expertise in IT Sectors i.e. Networking & Software, Project Managers, System Engineers, Sr.System Engineers IT support Engineers, Desktop Engineers Network Engineers & Security Engineers
How does the hiring process work?
We can do both – address IBeON’s or implement the hiring strategy of our clients. Our regular hiring process includes four steps this ensure that you end up hiring the best-fitting specialists into your team.
We have a large team of recruiters who have a deep understanding of the talent market in India and experience with hiring experienced Professionals. So you can expect our recruiters and HR Client Partners to share their practice-based tips on what to look for when hiring.
We have a large team of recruiters who have a deep understanding of the talent market in India and experience with hiring experienced Professionals. So you can expect our recruiters and HR Client Partners to share their practice-based tips on what to look for when hiring.
How do you attract talent?
We have direct access to thousands of tech specialists in India as well as our own database of prospects we’ve gathered since 2010. While searching for suitable candidates, our highly experienced recruiters use their networks, internal communication channels and stimulate our developers to refer their peers. Our recruiters use the strong employer brand name IBeON has been able to establish.
We post our job posts on popular platforms and job boards specialized in IT used by job seekers in the industry, offer referrals to existing employees, go headhunting, and offer top-notch working conditions interesting projects.
We post our job posts on popular platforms and job boards specialized in IT used by job seekers in the industry, offer referrals to existing employees, go headhunting, and offer top-notch working conditions interesting projects.
What types of services do you offer?
IBeON Infotech builds, maintains, and supports dedicated offshore Sourcing development teams managed directly by our clients, and provides recruitment and placement services for those interested in hiring IBeON Clients to work on-site in their offices. We also offer value added services that complement hands-on development, including on demand IT engineer services, quality assurance services, software security testing services and process consulting services.
Is your organization ISO certified?
Yes, currently IBeON Pvt Ltd has KVQA, as AS/NZS ISO 9001:2015/1SO 9001:2015 for Quality Management Services, recognizing high quality management systems. We also recently received the Business Leadership Awards Certificate of Achievement for the most trusted Technical Recruitment services and are among the top IT outsourcing company in India according to National Achievers Recognition Forum (NARF) & Blindwink.
What sort of HR/administrative support do you provide for your clients?
A dedicated HR/Client Manager will be assigned to your team so that you’ll always know how your Engineers are doing and can get advice on project management best practices. Our accounting and legal teams will deal with all the administrative issues of operations in IBeON including payroll, taxes, and social contributions